In her practice, Poppy uses collaborative and process-oriented methods to make video-based work in local community contexts, often working with non-artist communities and listening to their stories - drawing on their local histories, cultural heritage, visual culture and archival resources to facilitate creative work centered on their lives and experiences. She most commonly use digital storytelling and participatory video techniques but is equally motivated by the local contexts and communities in which she works.
A feature of her co-creative work is that it is often developed by, and for, the communities she collaborates with. Screening or exhibition outcomes are often small, intimate and informal, tailored to the needs and priorities of the people she works with. Low-res, low-tech and everyday aesthetics are also features of her creative work, driven by both a commitment to cultural participation and accessibility, as well as an interest in the creative use of ubiquitous low-cost technologies.
"Process Video" refers to a collaborative model of creative engagement which she developed during her doctoral research as a strategy and tool for intervention and social change. It incorporates the principles of audition and playback to rupture, disrupt and reflect on how narratives of identity and first person accounts are (re)constructed and experienced through multi-sensory and emplaced ways. It was also inspired by traditions of cine-ethnography and film as non-art.
Previously, Poppy facilitated a number of community digital storytelling projects at the Tuggeranong Arts Centre in Canberra, in collaboration with a range of community groups, including: the Canberra Islamic Centre (CIC), Multicultural Youth Services (MYS), the Post- and Anti-Natal Depression Institute (PANDSI), and Mental Illness Education ACT (MIEACT). Prior to TCA, she was also involved with the Digital Storytelling program at the Australian Centre for the Image (ACMI) in Melbourne as a freelance facilitator.
As part of her Masters research in 2006, she developed CC/TV: Community Connections/Tenants Voices, a small-scale participatory video project with residents of a large public housing estate in Sydney, to identify issues of personal safety and public space, and facilitate conversation amongst residents around these issues and the challenges they faced. The project was informed by principles of Community Cultural Development and community-based collaborative video traditions.
She is currently developing an artist residency project (see Love Lane Stories) that will incorporate video-based work with the local Eurasian community in Penang, Malaysia.